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Horses are constantly sending out signals about their health, welfare,nutrition and behaviour. The art is to pick up these signals, and to understand and use them. Horse Signals explains how to put this into practice.
The book starts by teaching you to look closely and objectively at your own horse and at other horses. Don’t leap to conclusions, but always ask yourself three questions first: what do I see? how does it happen? what should I do? For example, a licking horse can give information about the feeding rhythm and swollen legs can indicate a lack of exercise. You can then use this knowledge to take targeted measures. Horse Signals teaches you the difference between looking and seeing.
This unique and richly illustrated practical manual is intended for all horse lovers, from beginner to professional. It contains clearly worded explanations and 350 photos and illustrations drawn from everyday practice.
Everywhere and all the time, signals are there to be picked up… provided your antennae are ready to receive them. Horse Signals helps you develop those antennae.
In a nutshell: an essential practical guide for every horse lover!
For more information about Horse Signals Trainings, please contact author Menke Steenbergen from Ipos Technology